I had dinner on the patio tonight under the awning with thunder and lightening and some occaisional heavy rain as a backdrop, quite deafening, just as well I didn't have anybody to talk to tonight, I couldn't have heard them. I felt sorry for those folk on a night out and not being able to hear each speak.
It was also wet this morning, so I delayed my ride a little while, I couldn't see any point in going out while it was torrential, its not as if I otherwise have a busy schedule. I got ready at my nusual time, after I have spoken to my lovely wife via Skype, while I was getting ready it was no more than spitting but by the time I got to the front door it was teeming, so I sat for a while then found something else to do. Sure enough it eventually stopped although the roads were still wet but they soon dried out, it was 28c after all.
Todays ride was a lot of Active Recovery like yesterday, some Endurance and Tempo witha little bit of Threshold thrown in with just a few intervals to make it interesting, I kept the ride to about 90 minutes to hopefully be fresh for tomorrows race in Holland. I managed to get lost today, well not lost lost but on a road I hadn't been on before and not totally sure how that had happened but I just follow familar names on the many road signs until I get back on roads I do know.
After lunch I spent some time cleaning my bike for tomorrow, it wasn't too difficult in the main, just a damp rag and finish off with a polish, but there is so much sand around, its the nature of the soil plus they lay the road clinkers in a bed of sand, its a real bugger in the drive train, I imagine that there ien't anything more abrasive on the chain and moving parts than sand.
Tomorrows race is in Holland, it will take about an hour to get there so will be the longest drive I need to do to get to race, I don't know the course but I hope I know the finish and even if I don't now, we have 5 laps to cover for our race distance so I will by the time we get to the end.
I'm still undecided about whether to ride the ICF Worlds Championships, I'm giving away to many years to be comeptitive and whilst its always a well run event and a bit of an 'occasion' I am struggling to see the point of just participating. I rather think that I'll race on the Friday and can then race on the Monday, the day after. But we'll see maybe I'll be going well enough after a couple of more races to give myself at least an outside chance. In any case I will go along if for no other reason than its on Steve Snowling's doorstep, so I want to see him at least one more time before I return home.
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