37c today, brilliant day just light winds so given the race yesterday an easy 'recovery' day was in order. Whilst my legs weren't exactly sore they certainly did feel a bit empty, I know I raced hard yesterday. It was interesting looking at my power numbers for the race just to see how the reality stacked against the training, I didn't actually do anything in the way of wattage over any time period that I hadn't incorporated into my training plan, the key difference was I seemd to be hitting those high spots constantly during the race. For instance I might do 8 * 2 minutes @ 130% in training then stop, in the race I just had to keep doing them! I averaged 95% of my FTP for the whole race for those of you that are up with that sort of thing, for those that aren't, it means that I was trying real hard!!!
Little item I missed from yesterday, the first thing I had to do to register for the race was a basic 'whereabouts' form in case the 'doctor' wants to visit! There have been a few races with doping controls and I know of one chap in my age catgory that has had a 'holiday' and is now back racing!
So today was 2 hours up by the Schelde canal, pan flat except a couple of bridges, nice and easy just keep the revs up and enjoy the scenery. I even managed to resist the temptation when guys came by me, didn't get involved in hunting them down, just chilled, I really enjoyed but with this weather due to persist I'm going to have to get some sun block.
Tried to get a few small things from the nearest bikes shop, Schollearts, they've been really helpful over the years so they are my LBS here, but they were closed! Closed for two weeks while they were on holiday, I went to the next shop along the road which is the local Specialised retailer, same thing! I know people need their holidays but is this approach purely Belgian?
This evening was the big post tour criterium in Aalst, obviously the first. On the billing was Chris Froome, Ritchie Porte, Nairo Quintana and Peter Sagan. As it turned out Froome and Porte where there and exceptionally well received, no Qintana, no Sagan, there were a couple of Euskatel riders that I have to admit I didn't recognise, a Quick step rider who is the guy that six days as well and I can't get his name as I write this, the rest of the riders I think were local second and third tier team riders to make up the numbers. Actually there might have been a Vacnsoliel rider as well.
Before the big event there was an event for old 'stars' which was quite amusing some perhaps not so old, looked fit enough to get straight into a proper race, others were obviously just there for the beer but generally they just hung together in a bunch until the last lap when half a dozen riders took it up seriously and left the rest. One amusing thing was they started with a couple of police motor bikes leading the race, but I don't think they could go slow enough, they were repalced by a couple of young cops on mountain bikes! Don't get me wrong these guys looked incredibly fit and judging by their shaved legs are also racers themselves and they had no problem staying in front.
The sad thing was I knew them all, no matter how old they were. Peter van Petergem looked like he could race tomorrow, Willie Deboscher definitely struggled badly even at the pedestrian pace, Fons De Wolf looked as cool on a bike tonight as he did in his heyday! I could go on but I won't.
Tonight in Aalst (no prizes for photography)
The main race was delayed for 45 minutes, I have no idea why but the 'people' watching opportunity was amazing. Given it was still extremely hot and a bit humid, I had found a nice shady spot under large mature trees, opposite me in the sun was 'bar row' with a couple of thousand people standing outside in the sun seemingly intent on drinking all of these bars dry. It kept me amused for over an hour til the racers finally came out.
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